First Skype of the semester
 It officialy started! I am feeling both nervous and excited. Adesola showed us -through sharing her screen- how to search on myUnihub. It was definitely helpful for the Module ones and I wished I had that experience last year because it was very difficult to discover things on my own. 
This Skype signifies the beginning of a new module, the last one for this MA. I am nervous thinking all the things I have to do, the time pressure and the observation part (of my students). It will not be easy to be the observer and the teacher at the same time. I have to reconsider and revaluate the ideas I want to explore in my inquiry because-as Helen noticed- the amount of time offered is not as much as I thought. I am trying to answer back on the feedback (Helen has sent me) right now. 
Although I am feeling nervous, I am feeling excited too. Module 3 signifies the end of a journey and maybe the step in order to go further with my studies. I am ready to delve into this inquiry and experience the new journey of Module 3!☺


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