1st Skype meeting for module 2

Last Friday we had our first skype meeting for module 2. In this skype meeting, there were people from module 1, 2 and 3. Each one expressed his/her opinion and feelings for the previous module(s). It was a "what to expect" discussion as each one gave his/her tips to others in terms of work load, time-management etc. For sure, it was positive and reliefing to hear that others have experienced the same feelings or they had the same thoughts as I have.
This discussion led me to think the term "knowledge" and "how we gain knowledge". According to Collins Cobuild English Dictionary, "knowledge is information and understanding about a subject which a person has, or which people have". During the first module, we approached knowledge and understanding through the form of previous personal experiences and reflection. In fact, we tried to analyze and evaluate each experience and understand which aspects of the experience underpin our present knowledge. Thus, one way to gain knowledge is through our personal experiences as we reflect upon them. Personally, I found that Skype meetings really helped me to gain knowledge. I listened to others' opinions/ ideas and I was able to understand what they think on a specific subject. Finally, the most popular way to gain knowledge and understand the aspects of a subject, is through  studying. In fact, the suggested bibliography of the module 1 handbook helped me to realize what reflection is and that there are multiple ways to gain knowledge except for studying. However, ways of gaining knowledge are different for each person.


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