
Showing posts from October, 2017
First Skype meeting  In the first Skype meeting  on October 1st we discussed several important theoretical questions. Firstly, there was a short discussion for the difficulty to explain what we know to a fellow dancer. This led to important questions : how do we prove something we know? is there a need to prove something? These questions rely upon the positivist theory. Positivism : The belief that objective accounts of the world can be given, and that the function of science is to develop explanations in the form of universal laws, that is, to develop nomothetic knowledge. (Punch and Oancea, 2014) However, dance is a subject that requires multiple approaches and inquiry rather than  research that proves something. As a result, we concluded that this MA has a non-positivist stance and generally we are more prompt to use this stance in our forthcoming inquiry and during our reflection moments. In the last part of the conversation, we discussed about frameworks. We...